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For Members

How do I search for Vendors?

You can search for Vendors on the Vendor Directory page.

The search area is divided into 2 functions.

  1. Filter Selection by Product or Service Tags by clicking on individual tags.
  2. Search by Vendor Name, location (City, State), or Vendor Rating.

To combine the search filter of product or service tags with location, first select the appropriate tag, then complete the search fields.

What is the cost of Member Registration?

Our memberships are FREE to members today, and forever!

I know a great Dol Vendor but the business is not listed on

Thank you! This is a great opportunity for you to help us out.

You can either:

  • Please direct the vendor to our site and briefly mention the benefits of being listed in the vendor directory. or,
  • Please submit the public vendor information to our vendor directory for an Unmanaged Vendor listing.  This vendor will be listed like any other vendors, but there are few distinct differences than registered vendors.
    • Unmanaged Vendors may not send and receive private messages with other members.
    • Unmanaged Vendors may not obtain Verified Vendor Status.
For Vendors

Why is my Vendor Profile not being displayed on the front page's Latest Vendors?

The Latest Vendors section in the front page of our site requires vendors to have a Vendor Profile Photo which accurately represents you and/or your brand.

Once you upload your profile photo, your Vendor Profile will be visible as long as more recent vendors have not yet been added.

How are the Vendors in the Vendor Directory being sorted?

The vendor directory by default is sorted in the order the vendor account has been created.  This is to provide more incentive to earlier vendor registrants than the later ones.

However, above all, Vendors with “Verified Vendor” status are listed above vendors without it.

Once you complete your vendor profile, please request a Vendor Verification Request on your profile page.

In the future, we may transition to a reward based system for more engaging vendors to be placed higher in the directory.

What is the cost of Vendor Registration? community has just been launched and our goal is to grow our site’s membership as much as possible.

We cannot yet predict how our business model will work in the future with respect to vendors.

However, until further notice, we welcome all vendors to register at no cost guaranteed for lifetime, or as long as the account is active.

What is a Verified Vendor?

Screenshot 2016-01-15 14.25.31

Vendors may be added to our directory in two ways:

Therefore, not all vendor listings should be created equal.  Vendors that take the effort to complete their profile fully may request for Vendor Verification for higher directory listing than non-Verified Vendors.

What is the procedure for Vendor Verification?

Steps for Verification:

  1. Complete your Vendor Profile.
  2. Request Vendor Verification on the same Vendor Profile page.
  3. Review Process by Team

During the Verification stage, we may contact you by e-mail or by Telephone if E-mail is unavailable (U.S. Only). We will reach out to you based on your profile information to verify the ownership of the vendor account. We will also check the validity of the URL for website you link to as well as any social media pages that are provided.

We will also periodically check vendors for outdated information and broken links on their profile pages.  If an outdated information or link on the Verified Vendor’s profile page is not resolved within 3 days, the vendor may lose the Verified Vendor status.

The purpose of this rule is to provide the most accurate set of vendor directory to our general community searching for quality vendors.